Mercado, Tutoring, and Other Activities
We wanted to let parents know that our doors are open for students to finish work or recieve help with our writing projects on Tuesday or Thursday, from 3:20 to 4pm. Any student choosing to work after school must check in with aftercare during carline and come in with us at 3:20 so that parents will not be charged for that time. Our doors are open until the end of the year except during conferences (April 26-May4). We hope that everyone signs up for conferences as soon as possible! Our students are working hard on formatting their yearbook pages. Please see these links below for the three photo galleries we already have. We will be adding more photos as we recieve them. If anyone would like to add any additional photos from our school activities, please share or add an album to our google drive on our account. Your child already knows the password. Yearbook photo galleries links have been sent...