
Showing posts from April, 2017

Mercado, Tutoring, and Other Activities

We wanted to let parents know that our doors are open for students to finish work or recieve help with our writing projects on Tuesday or Thursday, from 3:20 to 4pm.  Any student choosing to work after school must check in with aftercare during carline and come in with us at 3:20 so that parents will not be charged for that time.  Our doors are open until the end of the year except during conferences (April 26-May4).  We hope that everyone signs up for conferences as soon as possible! Our students are working hard on formatting their yearbook pages.  Please see these links below for the three photo galleries we already have.  We will be adding more photos as we recieve them.  If anyone would like to add any additional photos from our school activities, please  share or add an album to our google drive on our  account.  Your child already knows the password. Yearbook photo galleries links have been sent...

Please Sign up for Student-Led Conferences

We are thrilled that testing is behind us and everyone had a wonderful time this week, whether they stayed with Ms. Kathy or ventured out with the rest of the class.  We will post a photo gallery soon and plan to add details of our trip into our class yearbook. We especially hope that all families are able to sign up for student-led conferences as soon as possible.  We are so pleased with every child's progress and look forward to that time where each student is able to present the results of their daily efforts.   Please call or stop by the office to reserve your time.  If you would like a phone conference or an alternative time, please let us know by replying to this email or leaving us a message in the office. Conference times are after school from April 24th to May 4, and all day on May 5th, when classes are cancelled. Please remember to bring your child so that they can have the opportunity to present their portfolios. Childcare is available after school f...

End of Year Writing Projects

End of Year Writing Projects As the school year winds down, we always stay busy with writing and reflecting on the wonderful experiences we have enjoyed.  There are two big writing projects that are an integral part of our year-end wrapup.  The first is our class yearbooks and the second is our bookbinding project.  Please read below for information on both writing activities. Students may stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays if they need extra help, except if there are conferences, April 25-May 4th. Bookbinding Students will choose from their writing in their portfolios or side projects at home to create a novel or anthology of selected poems, short stories or expository texts.  The work will be revised and a final copy will be made on the computer to print into a book which will be bound in class by hand.  Students may type their final copies at home or school, but please email us the final copy so that we may format it into a bookfold wh...