
Showing posts from February, 2018

Changes in our upcoming meeting and science fair

Please note the following changes in activities.  These changes have also been made to our end-of-year calendar found here : Trip/Fundraising meeting: February 28th, 5-6pm We will still hold a meeting for camp surf chaperones at 5pm and will talk about the Luau fundraiser at 5:30.  We sent a childcare form last week that should be returned.  We hope to see everyone there!  Also, please note that the transition meeting has been rescheduled for May 17th. Science Fair: Wednesday, March 21st, 9-11am Our students have been working hard on so many projects, that we are moving our presentations to the following week, after Spring Break.  Our new date for science fair is Wednesday, March 21 in the morning.  Our Pi day celebration the week before will still take place as scheduled.

Author Presentation, Arizona Statehood, and Chinese New Year activities this week

We just wanted to remind you of the many activities coming right up to celebrate Love of Reading Week, Arizona Statehood day, and Chinese New Year.  Please read below for more details: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, Our class will meet with a rising Arizona author after recess. If your child forgot to preorder a signed book, they may be able to purchase a copy that morning for just $6.  Wednesday, February 14, We will have a small Valentine's celebration at the end of the day for those who would like to participate. Students may give valentines and/or treats to all class members and they make a bag in class for their valentines.  Thursday, February 15, We will be celebrating Arizona Statehood with a trip to the superstition springs museum. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle and packs a disposable lunch. We will leave at 9am and return to school before 2:30.  Friday, February 16, We will have our Panda Express Fundraiser on Ch...