Our Busy Month of May
Camp Surf Update We are so excited to go to Camp surf on May 20-22! We have raised a significant amount to help with scholarships, and are thankful to those who have been able to make partial payments and/or tax credit donations on or before the deadlines. We are hoping to have enough raised to also be able go out for a snack on the way back from Camp Surf. Chocolate Money was due on the 30th of March and we hope to be able to add that to our funds to cover the remaining cost of the trip. Thanks again for all your support in our fundraising efforts! Classroom Publishing Projects The students are working on their own stories to publish in book form and it has been rewarding to see every child's growth as a writer. You can help by helping your student type in their words at home and emailing it to us so we can format the words in booklet form and then bind into a book. As in last year, each student is choosing their favorite photos, writing sampl...