Pizza and Kona Ice this Friday

We want to thank you with all our hearts for your support during testing week.  This has been a challenging week, with a new test to become familiar with.  However, it is also quite rewarding for us to see all the things our students have been able to do.  We are finished with AZ Merit testing, however 4th graders are still being tested in science tomorrow.  We thank you again for making sure your child arrives well-rested and well-fed each day of testing.  

On Friday, we will have Pizza as a celebration, thanks to Tammy Whiting, whose vision made this school possible.  Please make sure your child packs a drink and vegetables or other side items as well as money for Kona Ice.  We will also finish some of the projects we started last week as well as continuing our work for our class yearbook and storybook publishing projects.  Please stay tuned to hear more about our upcoming field trips as well as our fundraising updates for Camp Surf.  We want to make the most of our remaining 7 weeks together.

We appreciate all you have done to make this school year end on a high note!


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