Wax Museum and Upcoming Events

We are so excited to see the wonderful efforts every child has put forth during these short weeks of research.  Our wax museum is this Friday, from 10-11:15am.  You are welcome to stop by any time to see every child put out their research for all the classrooms and parents to view.  Please make sure your child is not late to school that day so they will have plenty of time to set up their displays.

Pictures for Presentation Boards Due Tomorrow
Students are welcome to choose their photos online and print them at home or email them to me in a google doc or word document, where they can printed at school.  All photos should be accompanied by captions that may be typed or handwritten.  Students are welcome to come in as early as 8am to use the computer before school.

Next Friday, October 30th will be our school wide Mercado.  Students must be caught up on all their work to participate.  We hope to see everyone in the morning to enjoy the many wonderful booths that will be prepared by the children.  Friends and family are welcome to come any time from 9am  until 11am.  

Picture day
This Thursday is Picture day for our class.  

Upcoming Activities
Please make sure your activity fee is paid or make arrangements to pay it in smaller chunks so we are able to pay for all our planned events for the year.  Our first field trip will be to the Symphony Hall in Phoenix on November 4th.  Also, mark your Calendars for science camp from January 20-22 at Tonto Creek Camp.  More information coming soon!

Thank you again for all your support.  We are truly amazed at how much each child has grown in confidence, work ethic, integrity, and kindness.  We hope to see everyone at our Wax Museum and Mercado.


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