Thank You for Making this a Fantastic Year!
We enjoyed our last day of school immensely and want to thank every parent for doing your part to make this a wonderful school year! Yearbooks and Individual Self-Published Books I hope you have enjoyed our lovely color yearbooks that reflect the hard work of each child. It was a pleasure to see that the last of all our students' novels and anthologies were printed, sewn, bound, and decorated in a myriad of ways. While most of our instruction is focused on process, I cherish the end of the year when everyone has a chance to truly see themselves as a capable and professional writer as we help each child express and organize their wildest ideas on paper. I am so grateful for our parent volunteers and Ms. Peggy, who were both so willing to help our students publish the book of their dreams. I am thankful for Ms. Emily who has recorded many of the songs we have sung all year and Ms. Kathy who is happy to make a last minute trip ...