Thank You for Making this a Fantastic Year!

We enjoyed our last day of school immensely and want to thank every parent for doing your part to make this a wonderful school year!  

Yearbooks and Individual Self-Published Books
I hope you have enjoyed our lovely color yearbooks that reflect the hard work of each child.  It was a pleasure to see that the last of all our students' novels and anthologies were printed, sewn, bound, and decorated in a myriad of ways.  While most of our instruction is focused on process, I cherish the end of the year when everyone has a chance to truly see themselves as a capable and professional writer as we help each child express and organize their wildest ideas on paper.

 I am so grateful for our parent volunteers and Ms. Peggy, who were both so willing to help our students publish the book of their dreams.  I am thankful for Ms. Emily who has recorded many of the songs we have sung all year  and Ms. Kathy who is happy to make a last minute trip to the store when needed. I am thankful for every loving, supportive parent who sees the difference that a Montessori education makes and supports our school.  

2016/2017 Class photos
I have attached a couple of photos of our books via email and invite you to look at our google photo galleries saved from this year, found on MECroom102docs.  We will be deleting those photos at the end of the year, so please save the ones you wish to keep.  I will continue adding more photos next week.

Care of Birds 
We found families willing to take our frogs and snake, but so far our birds are still in need of a home for the summer.  If you are able to take the birds for all or part of the summer, please let me know by responding to this email as soon as possible.  

Lost and forgotten items
Please claim your lost items as soon as possible.  Everything left in the classroom will be added to the ever-growing school lost and found that will be donated June 1st.  We have found a lunch bag, a hat, a yearbook, and several water bottles.  Please have your child double check that they took everything home.

Summer learning resources
If you are looking for summer resources, there are many summer reading programs at public libraries and bookstores.  Online, we recommend Kahn academy and Aleks which provides differentiated instruction in math. Also, Nova scienceNewsela and national geographic are good for language and science.

Thanks again for your support this year and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  Stay tuned for our information packet for next year, which will be emailed and send via mail.  It has all the information on next years dates and activities as well as supply lists.  We hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again in August!


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