BDA Homework Guidelines

Dear Parents,
Some children may bring the Buckle Down Aims (BDA)  books home for homework to either catch up or work ahead.  I wanted to make sure that every parent realizes the purpose for the BDA books and how they can support their children at home for school success.  

First of all, the BDA books are designed for test preparation that is aligned to mastery of the state standards.  I always provide lessons prior to having students work in their BDA books, unless the material has been previously mastered.  If your child is unable to complete any portions of the BDA, I encourage them to skip those problems so that a followup lesson can be given in the classroom.   I may also give more simplified work to help build important pre-skills before moving on to the next portion of the BDA.

Please remember that I do not expect parents to spend time teaching these lessons at home.  You can support your child best by helping them find an appropriate time to begin and end their homework and supervising the time that they are working. You can have conversations about their work and encourage them to find solutions to their problems by asking directed questions.  

Also, please know that you do not need to check your child's work!  It is better if I can see every child's mistakes when we check our work together so that I know how to provide appropriate support in future lessons.  If the work is done perfectly, I may mistakenly think that the concept is mastered, when it is not.  

If you need to provide any additional information about your child's progress or concerns, feel free to write a note in the homework log, or email me.


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