Our Thanksgiving Feast and Persuasive Essays

This week, the children have been constructing arguments for a persuasive essay about something they would like to change about the school.  We have looked at the pros and cons of each issue and talked about constructing counter-arguments in order to form a solid persuasive position.  Next week they will continue to refine their work and eventually we will post our work online to vote on it!  If anyone is skilled in the area of web publishing, we would love your help and/or input with our project!

Also today, the students formed groups to choose a recipe to make in class on Wednesday, November 27. They will be deciding on the recipe on Friday and may start bringing in ingredients as early as Monday, November 26.  Please encourage your child to choose a simple recipe that they could share with their group as a cooking possibility for next week.  We have crockpots, breadmakers, cooktops and the use of the oven for part of the day.  Parents are welcome to join us at noon on the big feast day.


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