Welcome Back One and All!

Dear Parents,
It feels so great to be back in the classroom after a wonderful break with family and friends.  We had to start last week with several assessments to measure growth.  The school is also adopting a new and improved assessment system that will measure student progress in a more detailed way and provide more usable and measurable data that is able to separate mastery for each student according to each state standard!  The students were wonderful sports about taking so many assessments and for the most part showed tremendous growth.  This system will also help us give more challenging work for the higher achieving students as well as additional interventions for those on the lower end of expected mastery levels.

Upcoming Field Trips
We are planning a couple field trips including a trip to the renaissance fair on March 4, and a trip to the science center at a date to be determined in February.  If you have a science center membership or are willing to drive for either of these trips, please send me an email or text. Mr. Joe and I are still waiting to confirm our date change with Chauncey Ranch.  Our original date for the last day in April, did not work for his ongoing Montessori training and we are now shooting for one of the two weeks before or after.  We will keep you informed as we know more!

New Punctuation Homework
For the next few weeks all students are required to complete weekly packets on punctuation.  This will help our students in this weaker area for them in their writing.  This counts as the free choice as part of the homework requirements, so students will still need to complete a daily language, math and practical life work for homework.  Anyone that does not have a properly completed homework form with all attached homework will miss out on outdoor environment as a natural consequence.

Thanks again for all you support.  It continues to be a pleasure to be Montessori Guides in room 102!
Liza and Kathy


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