Boookbinding Project

The last few weeks, students have been putting a great deal of effort into writing. We are so pleased as we have watched our community of writers develop a passion for putting their ideas on paper and developing a cohesive story, using their understanding of literary elements to guide and shape their ideas.  Since January, we have been exploring those literary elements and putting that knowledge to practice in an integrated unit of study.

 Students have been working extensively in the revising and editing process and many stories are now ready to publish into a hard-bound book for each student. This has been a lengthy process, where many have needed to rewrite and revise extensively in order to create a descriptive narrative that is fit for publication. We have examined structure of paragraphs, introductions and closings, word choice, and supporting details. While some still need more time, the majority of writers in our learning community are ready to proceed to this final step in the writing process.

In order to have enough materials for each student to be able to make their own hard-cover book, I am requesting that students bring the following materials to school if they happen to have them at home or could bring them:

  • thick pressed cardboard (not corrugated) that is found on the backs of pads of paper and some food boxes (we will cut it to size in class) 
  • spray glue
  • old fabric scraps
  • colored or decorative paper (letter size) for end-papers
  • fine tipped ink pens

If your child has typed their story at home, I need the original attachment so that I can easily format each story to be printed in bookfold form with page numbers.  Thank you for your support in this project that combines multiple disciplines and brings together Montessori lessons and state standards. We hope your child is excited about the opportunity to publish their writing for this important culminating project.


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