Daily Schedule and Other Announcements

In Montessori environments, children learn and work within 2 work cycles , one in the morning, and one after lunch.  It is important that children have this uninterrupted time to choose and complete work and conference with the Montessori guides throughout the day.  In this way, students are given the lessons that are most relevant to them according to their interests, abilities, and special needs. Montessori has a more fluid schedule than most schools, this allows for extra opportunities to fit in enrichment activities and mini skill lessons as needed.  Because of this, most children who are able to manage their time and choices and hold themselves accountable are able to greatly increase in academic, social, and emotional intelligence.

There can be a bit of a honeymoon period for those who are new to Montessori and used to having a teacher micromanage every block of time.  I assure you from my 12 years working in Montessori environments that in the end, with the right support at home and school, most children demonstrate tremendous growth in all areas of daily living.  Coming from a traditional teaching background, I find Montessori a superior method, both for gifted kids as well as children with skill deficits or special needs.  Please support your child by encouraging him or her to be prepared at home by doing  homework packing lunches independently (the first assigned homework), and encouraging them to be proactive problem solvers.  

It is also important that children arrive on time, with few absences and few interruptions during the work cycle, especially as we are getting to know your children and assessing their educational needs.  In early October, we encourage you to schedule an observation to see how the Montessori Method works in a typical day.  Our daily schedule is as follows:

Daily Schedule
8:30  Enter classroom, attendance, circle lessons, mad minute math

9:00  Work cycle begins

11:45 Clean up, songs or transitional activities

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Recess

1:00 Silent reading/writing, Literacy interventions and assessments

1:30 whole group geography, history, or science lesson

1:45 2nd Work cycle begins

2: 45 Cleanup, end of day music and games

3:05 Dismissal for sibling club

3:10 Dismissal for carline and After Care.


PE:  Wednesday, 9:40-10:40 with Mr. Glen, Friday 2:00-2:50 with Mr. Joe's class

Art: Friday, 1:00-2:00 

Outdoor Environment:  Monday through Thursday for one hour.  Day will vary, depending on individual child.  Fridays are reserved for students who have completed in-class work promptly.

Music:  Practice, and theory lessons will be mingled with academic lessons throughout each school day.

Library:  Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30

Before and afterschool enrichment and interventions will begin in September.  My goal is to make it fun and interesting. Please stay tuned for more details!


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