Science Fair this Friday Morning and Tuesday Evening

We are so excited for our first ever science fair this Friday morning (10-11:30) and next Tuesday Evening (5-6pm).  We hope you will be able to attend one of the sessions with your child.  It has been wonderful to see our students learning about various scientists and learning how to conduct and record their own experiments and demonstrations.  Today we enjoyed watching everyone construct their boards and assemble their experiments.  Many students wanted to continue their experiments at home so that they could feel prepared for their upcoming presentation.  We are so pleased with how much initiative and independence we are seeing in our student's work.

We were able to provide many poster boards to many students, however we don't have enough for everyone.  If you have an extra poster or display board that you could bring, that would be great.  Also, we would like to know if your child will be able to attend our evening session from 5-6pm on Tuesday.  If your child is not able to attend, please let us know so we can give everyone sufficient space and support.  We thank you so much for all your support and look forward to seeing you at our science fair!


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