Last Minute Reminders

Musical Instrument Museum
This is a reminder that we are leaving on our field trip to the Musical Instrument Museum first thing tomorrow morning.  Please make sure to arrive on time or your child may miss out!  Please make sure your child brings a water bottle and a disposable lunch.  We plan to eat lunch at a park nearby.

Camp Surf Update:
We have noticed many parents are behind in making their camp surf payments and/or returning chocolate money.  While we have scholarship money for those who have requested it, we are still approximately $900 shy of our goal to pay for all of those who wish to go.  If those who haven't made a tax credit donation would do so, we would easily have three times that amount.  I hope that we can raise these final dollars so we don't have to make some difficult decisions.  Please stay tuned for a packing list and more detailed itinerary.  Also please see our class blog for previous emails and announcements.

6th Grade Campout:
We notice it will be very cold, so please pack accordingly.  If you are unable to bring certain items, please let us know, as many people have spare tents, sleeping bags, and other gear.  

It is not too late to schedule a conference before or after school.  Please call or email us any time to find a time that works for you!

Thanks again for all your wonderful support. We are so pleased as students finish their hard work!


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