Holiday Activities

This week, we are exploring Theodore Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) and working in groups to analyze various texts of each group's choosing.  Many of our groups are working on mastering long division and long multiplication, while others are extending their knowledge into ratios, proportions, and calculating unit rates. Our students are blazing through their math facts and I had to add yet another level to keep them moving up in algebra. We are also going to make candles this week, as requested by countless members in our classroom.

Our 6th and 7th grade students have been so busy planning some wonderful activities for next week and next.  Please see the papers that they have printed out, and also see here for more information:

Holiday Gift Shop
The students are going to run a fundraiser for our classroom for more science materials and also to help with expenses for our upcoming STEM science camp (January 20-22) Each group is going to meet to determine something to sell next week during the recesses of all grade levels.  It is the goal of our shop to allow students of all grade levels an opportunity to purchase inexpensive gifts for siblings, parents, and other special people in their lives.  Please ask your child about what they have decided to contribute to make our Gift shop a success.

Spirit Week
The 6th graders have a long list of activities planned.  Please be sure to ask to see what is planned each day.  The activities include Secret Santa, a white elephant gift exchange, and gingerbread houses.  Please see our link on volunteer spot to contribute fixings for the houses:

Don't forget to sign the permission slip for your child to watch Elf, since it is a pg rated movie.

Upcoming Activities
Please expect a packet of information about our science camp, this Friday.  We are planning to have a parent meeting about this trip and our Grand Canyon end-of-year excursion when we return from the holidays.  We plan to have a meeting on January 7th, for those who are interested in driving or chaperoning for all or part of our trip as well as a general meeting about the trip after our transition meeting, penciled in on January 13.


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