Upcoming Activities

Please Mark your Calendars

ü     February  12th:  Visit from Grand Canyon Park Ranger at school (small informal Valentines celebration on February 16)

ü     February 17:  Deadline to order Pi Day shirts for our Classroom Fundraiser (will also be worn on our field trip)

ü     February 19th:  Day Hike at Don’s Camp.  We would like a couple drivers for that day.  Please note that we are leaving at 8am and don't be late!

ü     February 23:  Science Fair 5-6pm

ü     March 11th: Pi Day Celebration

ü     March 28-April 7 Testing Window for AZ Merit State tests

ü     April 21 Grand Canyon Day trip

ü     April 29th Mercado

ü     May:  Day to be determined: 6th and 7th grade trip --More details to follow.
May 26:  Graduation Ceremony


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