End of Year Activities

We are so pleased that every student gave it their all during testing week.  The state assessments were a lot more challenging than past years, but everyone certainly rose to the occasion.  We are excited for our many projects inside the classroom and our activities planned outside the classroom.  Please take note of the following dates:

Grand Canyon
We are so excited to get on the bus to drive to Grand Canyon on April 21st!  Please drop your child off at the front of the school at 6:30am.  We will return at approximately 10pm and will keep you informed of our exact arrival time.  The cost for each student is $50.  There is no charge for chaperones, however there is limited space on the bus.  Those who have already made a tax credit donation in the amount of $136 or more are already covered for the cost of this trip. We are looking at having pizza for dinner on the way home.  Payment for the trip is due April 18th. (which is also the tax credit deadline) Please see below for more information on the tax credit deadline.

Tax Credit
The good news is the deadline for the 2015 tax year has been extended to April 18, 2016!  This means that you can be reimbursed fully on your 2015 taxes for up to $200 per person and $400 per married couple.  If you select room 102 class trip, any extra tax credit money will go toward future trips, including our big out of state trip that we do once every three years.  If you select room 102, we can also use the extra money for other trips and enrichment activities in upper elementary.  We want to give a hearty thank you to those who have already made the maximum donation to assist us in having such a variety of activities each year! If you have any question about how to report the tax credit on your taxes, please let us know.

6th and 7th Grade Class Trip
The 6th graders have been planning a class trip that will likely include a visit to the Main Event and also an overnight camping trip.  The trip is scheduled for May 9th and 10th.  The students will plan some fundraisers, but any leftover tax credit money may also be used. Please stay tuned for more details.

Parent Conferences
Our class will not hold conferences on Friday May 6th, but will hold them during the three weeks before and also include some late evening times for those who need them.  Please call or stop by the office to schedule your conference in April or May.

6th Grade Luncheon
The 6th graders are tentatively planning Pita Jungle as the place for their luncheon.  They will be going on Tuesday, May 24th at noon and will return around 2pm.

Field Day and Graduation
We will have our field day the morning of Thursday, May 26.  We will also eat lunch out in the field by Poston Middle school.

We will have a graduation ceremony for our 6th and 7th graders from 1:30-2:30 on Thursday, May 26.

Class Publishing Projects:
During April and part of May our students will be creating a story to write, illustrate and publish into a hard bound book.  We would like donations of heavy pressed cardboard (could be from non-corrugated boxes), colored paper, scrapbook paper or spray glue.  

Our students are also busy choosing writing samples, artwork and photographs for their pages in our classroom yearbook.  We are hoping to finish everything early enough to produce a version that is printed in high quality color through an online publisher.  Please stay tuned for more details.

We are extremely grateful for your unwavering support this year.  We are immensely immensely appreciative of all the small and great contributions that so many have made to our classroom to help make it a better place.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our end of year projects and activities.


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