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Ms. Liza is Back (September)

I am finally getting caught up on blog posts and I will start with posting previous emails that were sent out.  I want to thank everyone for their support and kind words during the time I was in the hospital and recovering at home. Also, the children wrote cards that lifted my spirits beyond the heartache that I felt. It has been a great comfort to be surrounded by kindness and love during this this difficult transition.

Dear Parents,

I wanted to thank you all so much for your support during this time of healing and recovery. I am so thankful for each kind word and gift I have received from parents and children.  I have found that being with the children has done so much to lift my spirits and help my body heal faster.  I also am also grateful for the tireless work of Ms. Cassie and Ms. Kathy who have done so much for the classroom in my absence. It is wonderful that Ms. Cassie is able to stay with Ms. Kathy and I this entire school year as she completes her Upper Elementary training. This has enabled the children to have more lessons and more individualized instruction.

There are some things that will stay the same, and that is the structure of classwork and homework.  Because of the individualized nature of Montessori education, homework has more elements of free choice than other educational programs.  Attached, you will find the homework expectations and guidelines.  For those who have been in the class, this is the same structure and routine that has been done the last four years. We have found that those who are new to the classroom, especially those new to Montessori, require a little more guidance at home and school to get started, but the payoff will come when students become more independent and organized. We will be sending a copy of this attachment for you to sign on Monday. Also, our door is always open if you wish to meet with us. While the first official parent conferences are in November, we will begin scheduling informal conferences next week.  

Also, we will be sending home permission slips for our first field trip to the library to kick off our wax museum research project.  Please stay tuned for more information coming home as well as useful links for further study on the topics that we have covered in class. Thanks again for your tremendous support so far.  We are so excited for the new activities we have planned this year as well as the budding plans of our new 6th and 7th grade leaders.


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