Holiday Activities

Dear Parents,

We want to thank you for supporting our fundraisers and the spirit week activities planned by our 6th graders.  Our candle-making and Christmas shop activities have been a success and will continue through Thursday, where we will have a clearance sale.  Our white elephant exchange was a lot of fun and we look forward to our Crazy hair day tomorrow and movie day on Thursday. (Don't forget the permission that was sent out last week) Tomorrow, we will be writing cards for a charity called Umom that helps homeless teens.  We will be decorating snack bags and writing letters of encouragement.  We have also enjoyed watching everyone happily learn to use the sewing machine and carefully craft such lovely compliments for each student in the class.  We encourage you to read your child's compliments when they bring their handmade stockings home.

Our candy engineering activity (aka graham cracker structures) will take place this Thursday.  Please use the following link to bring an item: So far only one person has signed up to bring anything for this project and we hope to have a variety of items.     

Also, please note that we will not have any school this Friday and will return on Monday, January 9th.  Thanks for all you have done to support our classroom!  We hope everyone has a restful Winter break!


Ms. Liza, Kathy, and Cassie


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