Final Instructions for Tonto Creek Camp

Don’t Forget to return your re-enrollment forms to the office Wednesday, as the deadline is January 26, which is the second day of camp. It appears that we will have a long wait-list for the next year and I would hate for anyone to miss that window. Also, we are still missing a couple medication forms that students requested for medication taken at home.

Your child’s homework on Monday and Tuesday is to pack and prepare for Camp.  We will print out an additional packing list on Monday as well.

Please make sure your child has packed everything on the packing list, (plus some extra socks and pants for the cold weather) and that everything is stored in a compact container that is completely sealed.  Don’t forget a flashlight and also have your child label everything with their name.  Students may bring a disposable camera, or other camera with permission, but no other electronics.  Students must wear pants and shoes during all camp activities and to and while transporting to and from school.

If your child needs any medication, please fill out a form in the office and give it to one of the teachers to take with.  We will have basics such as Tylenol and other first aid supplies.  We have sent forms home to those students who know they will need to bring medication with them.

Please pack a disposable snack, lunch and drink to be eaten on our way to the camp.  We will stop at a Paleo Site with fossils nearby the camp before our arrival.  (see for more information) Students are allowed to collect invertebrate fossils only. If it is covered with snow, we will play out in the snow. Students are welcome to bring a small plastic bag to be used in sliding down the hill in the event of snow and make sure your child packs so that gloves and boots are handy.

Drop Off on Wednesday, January 25
Please Drop off students between 7:30 and 8:15 am in the back field where carline takes place.   Please do not arrive after 8:15 so that we will not make carline difficult for the other parents.

Pick up, Friday, January 27:
Students will be ready for pickup at our usual time at 3:10.   Chaperones may leave upon arrival at school.  (make sure to sign child out and return chaperone paperwork to teachers)  We will arrive most likely between 2 and 2:20)  We will have carline in front, so it is easier for students to load their gear.  We will have siblings join them in the front as well.

We have attached the packing list via email and sent it home with students. We will send email updates when we get to camp and also update the blog and homeroom app as needed. My cell has been broken for the past 3 weeks, but I hope to be able to get a new one this weekend and will share the number with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible! We are so excited about going to science camp!


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