Pi Day Shirt Order Forms Due Tomorrow
Pi day is "round" the corner and we hope you enjoy the shirt designed by our upper elementary class. These shirts can also be worn on Fridays with the other school T-shirts. Order forms went out Wednesday, or you can fill out an order form in the office.
In order to get our shirts back in time, please place your order by this Friday, February 24th. If anyone needs to pay later for a shirt, please fill out the form with the correct sizes and we can take payment later. We will also be ordering additional shirts to sell in future events such as Mercado for $20. Our shirts are soft cotton and are $15 each for child and adult sizes up to large and $18 for sizes XL and above.
All proceeds benefit upper elementary in purchasing new Montessori materials for their classrooms. The class with the most orders will also get a Pi day party surprise. Thank you so much for your support!
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