AZ Merit Testing and Camp Sky Y

We hope all our families had a fun and restful Spring Break!  We certainly enjoyed out time at the AMS conference and also returned nourished mentally and spiritually as well as with armfuls of new materials for our classroom.  We also know that the children enjoyed creating and performing their plays and will share videos shortly. Everyone returned from break ready to work and all were able to compose some wonderful poems in between Galileo testing.  We are so pleased with everyone's progress in writing, math, and so many more skills.  We are more than ready for state testing next week. 
AZ Merit testing begins on Tuesday, March 28th.  We will test Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week, with makeups on Friday.  Testing will then resume on Tuesday, April 4th and continue through Thursday, April 6th. Please have your child eat a nourishing breakfast each morning.  If your child needs to go to the doctor, dentist, or any other appointment, please try to schedule these for late afternoon or after school on testing days.  While group snack will be provided for students, as usual, each child may also bring a healthy snack and gum for personal use during each testing session. 

Our field trip to Camp Sky Y in Prescott is fast approaching.  We leave on Monday, April 10th and will return on Wednesday, April 12th.  The cost for this trip is $115.00.  If you paid $200.00 for both trips in January, you don't need to pay extra for this one. Remember, you can pay the fee for this trip and count it as a tax credit towards your 2016 AZ state taxes up until April 17th.  If you are planning to chaperone, please let us know when the best time would be to have a quick informational meeting before we leave. More information about this field trip will be coming home in the next week.

If you have any questions, please respond via email at or call the school at (480) 964-1381.


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