Moving into September
Math Work
Everyone is given a grade level math lesson with accompanying followup work that is generally due on Thursday or Friday. Children are also offered more advanced math lessons with the Montessori materials or necessary remedial work that varies with interest, grade level, and ability. Additional minilessons on the weekly math topic are offered as needed when we notice that more than three students need additional help. We encourage the children to speak up and we provide peer tutoring or small group lessons to ensure that all math concepts are fully solidified. While our fifth and sixth graders are experts in our math routine, our fourth graders are still learning to become more responsible for their own learning and not procrastinate the deadlines of required work. Often it takes a couple weeks of natural consequences to gain the self-motivation and drive that guides each child toward independence in the classroom. We appreciate those parents who are looking at their child's planner and sending notes of concern. Having daily conversations will greatly assist in building the good habits necessary for long term success. We encourage anyone with concerns, particularly our new parents, to come to us right away. We are happy to hold meetings or phone conferences before or after school to help all children and their families.
Afterschool Tutoring
After school tutoring will begin on Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4pm. We will be sending a separate email to those families that we feel could benefit having more time to complete work after school.
Field Trip to ASU: September 14
Our field trip to the natural history collection at ASU will be changed to Thursday, September 14 so that it won't conflict with our hot lunch Fridays. We are planning to take the light rail and bus and could use some additional chaperones or drivers who may be available. Ms. Liza will be in Nashville presenting at a Montessori conference. We will have lunch at nearby Clark Park and return before carline. Please make sure your child packs a water bottle, snack, and disposable lunch.
Snack Calendar
Our students created and distributed September's snack and laundry calendar. We have encouraged everyone to write down their snack day in the planner and also give themselves a reminder on the weekend before.
Show-Me Night: September 21
Our next parent night is approaching, where every child will show some of their work at school and also present parents with some of the Montessori lessons that they have been given in the classroom. Please mark your calendars for the evening of September 21. More information on various arrival times will come soon.
Cookbook Fundraiser
Our sixth graders have started a project to publish cookbooks for the school. They are seeking excellent, tried and true family recipes to be used in their volume. We would also appreciate pictures of the food items as well. Feel free to email any submissions directly to our classroom address.
Halloween Festival: October 27
Our Halloween Festival is fast approaching and we will begin preparations in a few weeks. We are planning to use this fundraiser to help offset our costs for our big trip to Camp Surf.
Hurricane Harvey Relief
We are looking at adopting a classroom affected by Hurricane Harvey in an effort that is led by the children. Details will be forthcoming.
Thanks again for all your support. We enjoyed meeting everyone at our first two parent nights and look forward to our upcoming learning activities both in and out of the classroom.
Ms Liza's class is the best class as it is a class by ms Liza
ReplyDeleteCan't believe I am the only kid in the class that knew about the blog XD