November/December Activities

We are sorry for the delay in getting our November newsletter out to everyone.  Our class has been so hard at work on a variety of topics and our classroom veterans are becoming skilled at managing their time. Please read below for more information about the activities we are taking part in during the months of November and December.

Candy Statistics
Our class collected data on their Halloween candy haul and created bar graphs and pie charts with their results.  We also collected data and made a class wide graph. They will be presenting this project along with other written work during student-led conferences.

Holiday Fundraising 
Our Upper Elementary classrooms are participating in multiple fundraisers including, our Christmas Shop, Candle-making, carline treats, as well as holiday craft projects led by parents.  We will also hold a raffle and silent auction and sell cookbooks further on in the year.  If you would like to help us out with fundraising with donations of time or items, please come early to our Big Trip meeting on Tuesday, December 5th.  We still need to raise several thousands for the bus and it will take all of us to work together in order to get there.  We will meet about fundraising at 4:30 and our Big Trip meeting starts at 5pm.  Babysitting will be provided for siblings.

Thanksgiving Feast
On Wednesday, November 22, we will have an upper elementary Thanksgiving celebration.  Students will work together in groups to cook an item to add to our feast.  Our students will meet tomorrow to decide what to contribute to this in-class event. Please ask your child what they need to bring on that day and/or prepare ahead of time, depending on the chosen recipe.

Student-led Conferences
Our schedule for parent conferences is in the office and ready for parents to reserve their times.  Please make sure to bring your child, so that they have the opportunity to present their work to you. We have included one day of late conferences.  Please let us know if you need an alternate day or time. We hope to be able to meet with all families as soon as possible. Childcare is available for siblings during conferences.

Wax Museum Research
This week students are going to the library to select their resources for our ancient civilizations research.  Please make sure your child brings a current library card and knows the PIN.  Deadlines and details about our project were sent home as well as emailed to parents. Our Wax Museum will be held the morning of the 14th of December. We are looking at putting on a holiday concert that week as well, the exact date will be announced soon.

Tutoring will be canceled during student-led conferences, November 27-December 12.  It will Resume December 14. 

We thank you for your continued support during the holidays.  We are amazed at how many valuable skills our students are gaining and hope you are able to see their wonderful growth.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!


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