March and April Announcements

We hope everyone has had an enjoyable spring break. We are so excited for our upcoming activities, but also sad to report that one of our families is facing an unimaginable loss.  Please read below for more details.

Sad News
It is with a heavy heart that I must report that one of our parents, Audrey Baggs, is losing her battle against cancer.  We are explaining this loss to the children and are sharing with you the family's gofundme page to cover final expenses and transitions for the two children that attend our school.  The school cookbook, planned and soon-to-be published by Audrey's oldest daughter, will also be used as a fundraiser to support the children during this time of heartbreaking changes.  We are grateful for the kind words of support during this time and have asked our classroom community to come together in love and unity.  You can find the family gofundme page right here. We are asking students and families that all questions related to this topic be addressed to Ms. Kathy or I so that the children don't feel overwhelmed.

Science Fair
Our students will be putting on the science fair this Wednesday, March 21st, from 10:00-11:45 am. All classrooms will be visiting and all upper elementary parents are invited to stop by any time during those hours. Please ask your child lots of questions about their experiments to help them get ready for our big day.  We expect students to finish their boards tomorrow, during class.  While we have a limited amount of small posterboards, if your child wants a larger board, they must bring it from home.

T.M.Holladay: Haelo Series
Our students really enjoyed our visit with the author, Ms. Holladay.  We decided to extend the deadline for book orders.  If your child would like a signed copy of Hiding Haelo and/or Haelo Hunted, please return your order form by this Friday. 

Luau Tickets
Our Luau tickets will go on sale starting Wednesday, Every child will be bringing home their order form along with 5 tickets to sell to friends or family.  Proceeds from this fundraiser will help pay for the bus to camp surf, the chaperone fees and our 6th grade class trip.  Further detailed instructions about our Luau will be forthcoming.

Other Dates and Deadlines
School will be closed on Friday, March 30th. Our AZ Merit Test will begin the week on April 1st, AIMS science test will be administered via computer the following week for 4th graders only. Payment for Camp surf is Due April 15th.  Our trip to Camp Surf takes place from April 23-27.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We thank you for your full support during this eventful school year and are especially grateful for how everyone comes together when help is needed the most.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. do you need to buy a ticket for yourself if you are selling/buying
    tickets? I think you did mention it in class but I can't remember the answer RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


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