Spirit Week Flyer--Written Last Week by our 6th Graders

 Spirit Week, May 21-25, 2018.
Monday: Greek/Roman Mythology Day.-Dress up like your favorite Greek or Roman Mythological character or Greek god/goddess

Tuesday: Disney Day.-Dress up like your favorite Disney Character
Wednesday: Career Day.-Dress up like you’re working in your dream career. Field day, we will be going to the big basin, be sure to if needed bring an extra pair of clothing, and tennis shoes.  

Thursday: Brand Day- Dress up like your favorite brand, you do NOT have to wear the brands below!water day, please be sure to bring the proper swimwear, sunscreen and anything else you need to get wet

Friday,Last day of school!! : Pajama Day-Come to school in pajamas and we will watch the movie, Coco!! If you bring 2 dollars you can get pizza.  Please return the attached slip.


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