Our Big Trip to San Diego

Dear Parents:

We are pleased to announce the dates for our “Big Trip” to Camp Surf in San Diego have been solidified for the week of April 23rd thru April 27th, 2018.   

Camp Tuition cost per student will be $300.00. Transportation fee is approximately $100.00 per student.  We will be traveling to and from Camp Surf on a charter bus.  

Fundraising opportunities will be available for students to help defray the cost of transportation.   Camp fees can be paid for with Arizona State Tax Credit donations ($200.00 per individual or $400.00 for married).  All fees are due on April 2, 2018.  Payments of $50.00 per month can be made as installments.  Chaperone camp tuition fees are $150.00 per adult chaperone.

Please indicate below if one or both parents would be interested in chaperoning, or assisting in fundraising opportunities.

Thank you,

Ms. Liza, Mr. Larry, Ms. Adrienne, Ms. Kathy and Ms. Ally

Please return bottom portion by August 31, 2017

Name:  __________________________________________________________

______ I am interested in chaperoning for Camp Surf

______I am able to make a tax credit donation in the amount of:  $200 $300  $400  (circle one)

______I am able to make monthly payments (or tax credit donations) of _____$50 a month for 6 months or _____$33 a month for 9 months to cover camp fees for my child.

______ I am interested in assisting with fundraising opportunities to cover the cost of transportation.

______ I am interested in assisting with fundraising opportunities to cover the remaining expenses.

______ My child will not be attending Camp Surf. Reason:______________________ 


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