
Dear Parents,

Our Curriculum Night was so well attended that we ran out of chairs!  We are so glad that so many of you were able to take time from your busy schedules to support our work in the classroom.  For those who missed it, we have sent handouts home.  I have also attached the handouts via email from our meeting.  The document also includes important dates and activities for the remainder of the school year. Other handouts being sent home include a permission slip for our next field trip, a going out permission slip, and a Camp Surf form. We are happy to meet individually with any of our parents, particularly our new ones, who need more guidance. 

Going Out Forms
This year, our insurance company requires that you submit your insurance information with  your permission for going out.  Goings out, are trips planned by small groups of children to the library, pet store, and other places for further research and exploration.  While most of our students have a signed permission form, very few families have submitted their insurance information to the office.  We will be sending slips home to families who still need to sign the form itself.

Photo Release Forms
Our class uses photos to share with parents via our homeroom app, google photos, a Montessori Instagram account, and our end-of-year class yearbook.  We cannot use any photos of your child in these projects without your signed consent. 

Camp Surf Form
We need to gather information on numbers of students and chaperones interested in attending Camp Surf so that we can begin fundraising for our triennial out of state trip.  We need these forms returned by August 31st.  

Field Trip to ASU
Our first permission slips are going out for a visit to the natural history collection at ASU.  There is no charge for the activity.  We need chaperones only to drop off and pick up at the light rail station in the morning and the afternoon.  

We appreciate your prompt attention to all these paperwork matters. We also appreciate those who have offered to help out our classroom in various ways.  We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we thank you again for supporting your child's Montessori education! 


Ms. Liza, Kathy, and Adrienne


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