Welcome to Another Fantastic Year!

Dear Parents,

We have really been enjoying getting to know our new students and seeing how much last year's students have grown.  This week we have been getting to know each other and the new routines and procedures in our classroom.  Please see below for more information about upcoming activities and changes to our classroom.

New Homework Folder/ Planners
Most parents are already signing our new planners each day.  We appreciate any discussion you can have with your child about what they are learning and how they are managing their time to stay on top of bigger projects and works.  Most children have been able to complete the math and language work in class, but if a child is behind, we will leave a note in their planner on the back of the page for that day.

Snack and Laundry Calendar
Your child should have brought home the snack and laundry calendar home yesterday.  Please check and make sure you are able to bring snack on your designated day.  You may make substitutions from the menu items listed, but please note that we have several children allergic to nuts in our classroom.  On Friday, a different child will bring home the cleaning cloths and placemats to launder all by themselves.  Most children will only take laundry home once for the entire school year.  We appreciate your support in making our classroom a pleasant, home-like place to gain skills in academics, practical life, and emotional intelligence.  

Upcoming Dates and Activities for August

Kona Ice: Tomorrow
The Kona Ice trick will be at school in the after school at carline.  Please see the email from the school for more information on this school-wide fundraiser.

Pythagorean Theorem Day:  August 15
We will have some fun facts and activities about the Pythagorean Theorem and the history of its discovery

Partial Solar Eclipse:  August 21
Our classroom will be selling NASA approved solar glasses for viewing for only $3.  Proceeds will help pay for our Camp Surf trip in May.  Plan to see the flyer sent home tomorrow.

Curriculum Night: August 24, 5:30-6:30
Learn about all activities for the year and find out more about the Upper Elementary Montessori curriculum.

Social Media Use in Upper Elementary
We had a discussion a few days ago about appropriate social media use.  We encourage children at this age to spend more time in face to face social settings rather than virtual ones.  It is so important to monitor social media use as there are so many dangers with many of the apps and platforms available to children today.  We are planning a future venture with the Arizona Attorney General office to explore this topic further.  In the mean time, we recommend limiting or eliminating and remaining vigilant about all social media interactions available.

We are so excited about this school year and want to encourage everyone to let us know if they have any questions or concerns as soon as possible.  We thank you for your support in and out of the classroom.  We will continue to update our classroom with photos on the homeroom app and our class blog. We are so glad you all chose a Montessori education for your child and thankful for every contribution to our classroom community.  


Ms. Liza, Kathy and Adrienne


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