Camp Surf Meeting is Tomorrow!

We hope that everyone is able to attend our Big Trip Meeting that will take place tomorrow, in Mr. Larry's Room.  We will discuss ongoing fundraising plans for the bus at 4:30, and then continue with details about the trip itself at 5pm.  Childcare for siblings will be provided and students are welcome to attend with their parents if they wish.

We have recently updated our class contact list.  If you haven't received any announcements from us, please send an email to to send us your current information.  snack calendars were also sent home today, but they aren't posted on the blog.  We continue to remind all students to write their snack day in their planner and promptly share with parents.

Also, tomorrow is the last day to submit orders for our Popcorn Palace Fundraiser.  So far, we have raised over $500 to cover the bus to Camp Surf with this fundraiser, which is a third of the way toward our goal, after adding our previous fundraising efforts.  Thanks so much for supporting all our activities and efforts to create an authentic Montessori environment.  We hope to see everyone tomorrow!


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