December Dates

Ms. Kathy and I have really been enjoying watching every child show off their work during student-led conferences.  We look forward to seeing more parents next week as well.  We are so close to our goal of 100% attendance at conferences.  There are still plenty of times left on our schedule for anyone who missed signing up.  

We have a lot going on in the Month of December, so please mark your calendars!

December 4th
Deadline for popcorn palace fundraising orders.  We have a friendly competition with Mr. Larry's class to see who is able to submit the most orders.  I am planning a huge art activity for the winning class.  Remember that half of the order totals will go toward paying the cost of the bus to go to camp surf.

December 5th
We are holding a meeting in Mr. Larry's room to discuss our fundraising efforts for camp surf at 4:30, and will transition into discussing the specifics and logistics of the big trip at 5pm.  We will be finished no later than 5:30pm.  Childcare is provided for siblings and students.

December 7th
Our schoolwide bookfair fundraiser will be at Barnes and Noble and Chipotle, in Dana Park, in the evening.  Our PTO will receive 20% of merchandise purchases from Barnes and Noble and 50% of food purchases from Chipotle.  Please come to enjoy the activities, even if you aren't able to buy a book, as there will be arts and crafts, story-telling, and cookie decorating led by MEC staff in various parts of the store.

December 11th
Our candle-making shop begins, please see details on the flyer.  This is a fundraising tradition that has been enjoyed by children of all levels.  Proceeds will help pay for our bus to Camp Surf.

December 14th
Wax Museum on Ancient Cultures, from 9:30-11:30am in class. Parents are welcome to stop in during any time that morning.  Please be prepared to ask lots of questions.

December 15th
Christmas shop begins. Students will take turns running the booth during recess.  Each group will be creating some simple crafts during OE time.  Older students will also be selecting simple items that children can purchase as gifts for parents, siblings, and friends, which includes calculating unit cost and profit margins in order to make these business decisions.  If you have any small, gently used items that could be sold in our shop, we welcome any donations.

December 21
In-class, Winter Solstice Celebration.  Details will be determined by our 6th graders, who will send a separate flyer for the holiday spirit week.

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