Wax Museum Tips

We are noticing this year that several of our newer students have had a hard time gathering sufficient sources on their topics.  Sometimes, a difficult or obscure group was selected, while others simply lack enough background knowledge in certain subjects related to history and geography to be able to fluidly and deeply explore their chosen civilization.  We encouraged all of our students to watch videos over the weekend from reliable sources such as BBC, PBS, National Geographic, Nova, Khan Academy, etc.  We also recommend taking a look at reliable youtube channels (crashcourse, CGPgrey, veratasium, etc) Watching such presentations will help students gain the background information needed to fluidly discuss their topic during the wax museum.  

We do not want students to read from their reports, but to be well-versed enough to look at their board and discuss the concepts they have studied with visitors, using their own words.  While we have had several discussions about expectations, our newer students could benefit from similar discussions at home.  We hope to see everyone at our wax museum, this coming Thursday, December 14 from 9:30-11:30 and invite parents to come and ask lots of questions.

We are grateful that so many were able to attend our big event at Barnes and Noble.  Also, a big to those who attended conferences and also those who attended our fundraising/big trip meeting.  We will be posting the notes for all parents soon and will also hold another meeting in January.  If you were not able to attend, and wanted to purchase books, you may still make a purchase at any location, simply provide the cashier with our bookfair number.  We will be starting our candlemaking and Christmas shop fundraiser this week and our 5th and sixth graders have already begun preparations.  Please stay tuned for more information next week.   Thanks again for supporting your child's education at home with your words and actions on a daily basis.  We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


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